Monday, November 24, 2008

Prayers Please!

Hey friends! Well, we got a bit of bad news regarding the house buying today and we could use a few prayers. Basically, we were told it was no problem to get our home loan with my employment contract instead of paycheck stubs since obviously I've been in school and don't start until Jan. Well, today all of the sudden our lender tells us that a contract won't work anymore and they also need a copy of my state PA license and proof of graduation OR a full 30 days of paycheck stubs for proof of my employment. NEWS FLASH: I don't have either. I don't graduate until 5 days after we are supposed to close and I won't have my license until after I take my certification exam and get my scores which won't be until the 1st of the year. So.....our lender is trying to figure out something else. Pray that they will get this figured out so we don't lose the house AND pray for my sanity as all of this really stresses me out.


Kyle and Jennie said...

PRAYING FOR YOU GUYS!!!! How stressful! Everything will be PERFECT!

rackersfamily said...

You're in our prayers!

momma bow said...

We'll be praying for you, Kishy! Let me know what happens! Love you!